Art Sponge

The First Art Sponge Mix


The thought had been bouncing around my hollow head for a while now… so a little while ago I created an Itunes playlist named “artspongemix”. Once in a while I would add a track to it, then take another one out, up until I had what I think might please a wide range of different music lovers.

I like a lot of different types of music, so I’ve thrown in some Hip-Hop, some Indie Rock, some Drum’n’Bass, some Folk and some music that floats a bit in between all of those categories.

Several of these awesome songs would never have made it on here if it wasn’t for YesYesY’all and their great music inspirations. Big Thanks !

May 8, 2009, 6:03 am
Filed under: Music | Tags: , , , , , ,

I’ve known Phoenix for a while now and sadly haven’t listened enough to their work. Their vocalist Thomas Mars has very distinctive voice that sets the band’s music apart from most mainstream alternative rock bands. As I was saying I haven’t listened to an extensive amount of their music (I think last time was when I played this great mixtape posted on Creative Output).

So I was really happy to run into this music video posted on Le Monochrome:

You gotta watch it in HQ